Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1st NaNo Update

Today I met a shape-shifter who has forgotten how to shift shapes.

Who have you met today? What did you learn about them?

I feel that this is a promising start! I've complete day one's goal of 1700 words. I'm going to try and go back to it after updating everything and get to 2000.

P.S. Check out Beth Revis' new contest here. Blog about your favorite book and you could win 19 Young Adult books - most signed by the authors!


Jennie Bailey said...

Oh, I love it - a shape shifter who has forgotten how to shift! I met a Gatekeeper who is dying and needs to find his replacement like yesterday! Great job on the 1700 - did you go back and hit 2000? So glad we're doing it together again this year!

Jessica Lindsay said...

I met a 17 year-old theatre techie named Disco who wears gypsy skirts and shoves bags of Bugles down his black t-shirt. Also met Brad who uses jazz hands WAY too often. I love Disco and Brad. :)

Way to go hitting 1700! I got 1100. We'll see if I can make it up this week somehow.