Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2: My brain's getting fuzzy.

Word count-wise I'm feeling pretty good about NaNo progress. However, I feel that today's quality of work has gone down a little. Oh well, words are words. I'll deal with quality after November - I just don't want to feel like I have delete it all and start over. It's probably because I did a lot of description today and not much plot. I'll have to remedy that. Tomorrow will be better, I can feel it. :) How are you doing?


Jessica Lindsay said...

It's 7:20, and I'm sitting down to start. We'll see how far we get. What a long day it's been already! :) You know, we had an author speak at school today, and he gave a VERY compelling argument against this mad-dash writing that most of us do through the first draft. I'll have to post on it. (When there's time to post!) ;) So glad you are writing lots!

BethJ said...

Day 2 and I have 1,346 words. I am hoping I will be able to catch up at some point. I am having fun though, and I suppose that is what counts. :)