Friday, November 4, 2011


You know the scene in Anne of Green gables where Gilbert is telling Anne to stop writing her sensational stories and to just write about what she knows and loves. Ahh, Gilbert...*dreams for a moment*

Anyway, I'm starting to worry that my little adventure is going to fall on the melodramatic side and no one will like it. I know, I know, it's day 4 of a long journey: 30 days of spitting out plot, dialogue, landscape will hopefully result in a pile of papers that I can then spend the next few months making readable.

It's too soon to be despairing, but it's never to early to be discouraged.

And then I got a text from a new friend:
"So are you going to be famous soon?"

To which I laughingly replied:
"Only if you know something I don't"

And he said:
"Well, I have faith in you."

Oh, good timing! Oh, wonderful encouragement!

Let's get back to work!

Word count so far today:
I spent most of this morning outlining. I needed to brainstorm a little. Do those words count?

P.S. Check out Maureen Johnson's blog for some good advise.


Jessica Lindsay said...

Yay friend! Who's the friend? So happy for him! Outlining doesn't count for word count, but it's so important, isn't it? And don't forget lists: List what's in your protagonist's bedroom, purse, car, etc. What's in your protagonist's closet, side drawer, pocket. That's what NaNo says to do, and I think it's great advice. :) I'll be writing all night--so we'll be in good company.

jldy said...

How'd the all night writing go? The friend is John - one of the people we meet up with at the Tavern to watch football with on Sundays. Met him at the Substitute Teacher workshops. Have you written any fun lists you'd like to share?